Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Road Trip - Day 6 (Goofing Off)

Up with the sun once again, even though I had absolutely nothing at all on the agenda today!

I sit and visit with FC, and Mrs. FC while they get ready to go to work. Just before Mrs. FC gets ready to leave I notice a slight itching on my right hand and Mrs. FC, knowing that I've been tromping around in the wilderness, immediately asks to see it. "Yep, looks like you found some Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, and/or Poison Sumac. Here put this cream on it no more than three times each day, and if it gets worse we'll get something stronger and try that"! I head her professional advice, and while I'm typing this it looks like all signs of the irritation are completely gone after just the first application of the ointment. I think I'll stick with the 3 doses today though, just to make sure!

Well, not sure what I'll do with the rest of the morning, but it's actually quite comfortable right now, so I think I'll wrap this up section of the "Road Trip Journal" and drive around with the top down for awhile and soak in some of the local scenery. Mrs. FC may try to take some time off this afternoon to goof off with me, and show me some of the nearby sites that I may not be able to find easily by myself. If so it will be pretty fun, if not it will be pretty fun too and either way I'm sure I'll have something to write about tomorrow.

Stay tuned for more........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thunder also check out "Peacock", "Meadowlark" and "Swan Lake"