Sunday, April 06, 2008

Pictures From The Wall

Mae Guoren on the wall! Is that a happy smile of anticipation or the foolish grin from ingnorance of lay ahead?

A view from the wall. I think in this shot that Mongolia is to the right and Chins is to the left.

The view from an ancient archer's post.

A view of one of the inclines, but by far not the steepest!

What a view from here!
I'll post more photos from the jouney later because I'm still experienceing some issues uploading photos. At this point we hadn't even stopped for lunch yet, and not near the half way point!


Anonymous said...

nfuygdjGreat pictures! You look sooooo good! I can't wait to see you! It is less then two weeks now! Talk to you tonight.

Anonymous said...

Was that 5hrs for when you had to be back for your cab? Looks like a good way to spend the day. Got a job interview Wed, Field Tech position, Digital Video equipment in cop cars. Looks pretty interesting. Have a good time with Lightnin when she gets there. Still waiting for some bike photos. Lightnin can get my email from jaf.
take care lil B,
Bro J

R.Powers said...

Cool Dave!
College runner Dave would have left them in the dust running the wall.
Ya look healthy and happy, communism agrees with you.

Thunder said...

Lightnin - 12 days and counting down (oh I guess that's 13 days for you). ;-)

Brother J - It was 5 hours on the wall. The nest set of photos will so some of the more difficult passages.

FC - Certain aspects of it are agreeing with me, but I'm a big fan of the seven letter F word. I'm getting in better shape. Smaller portions, fresher non-processed foods, and lots of walking!

Anonymous said...

R-E-S-P-E-C-T, Mr D!So that was " walking for freedom 2008". Plans for the following days?
-lil chinese feet massaging your back(always wanted to know if that really helps!)
GREAT pictures,they were worth waiting another 2
Hope I can walk that myself one day!
Zai Jian RBP

Thunder said...

RBP - I was planning to go to the Bodhi (massage) the following day, but pretty much walked all the kinks out doing my weekly shopping!