Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Greatest Invention Ever!

To all of you who read my posts I just want to apologize for taking the past couple of weeks off. I've been extremely busy at work, with presentations for the upper management, and also had to start preparing to come back home for the first time.

I'm finally home again!
I arrived late in the evening this past Friday. The trip wasn't too bad until I actually arrived in Cincinnati. We landed about 20 minutes early, but then made up for that by sitting on the runway for an hour waiting for an open gate. It seems the severe weather in Minnesota was causing delays, and our gate was blocked.

Anyway, during my layover in Japan I found what has got to be the greatest invention EVER!

Check this out:

That's right, it's an automatic beer dispenser!

You place the glass on the holder and hit a button and the machine tilts the glass to the proper angle and starts dispensing the beer. As the glass fills the machine levels the glass back out to give just the right amount of head to the serving!

I went back several times just to make sure it gave a proper pour every time! ;-)


Anonymous said...

Always thinking about Quality Control aren't you?

Anonymous said...

Every house hold should have one. Smoken

Anonymous said...

we will have to show this to the owner of the due drop mabee he will get good draught beer back LOL. S T E B

R.Powers said...

Well I was close. When I saw the title I guessed it would be a frozen Margarita machine.

Anonymous said...

So why does this post not surprise me. Did you put an order in for one? Have you had a chance to take your anniversary present out yet? My guess the first place you ride to is down to that CHEESE-BURGER place. Have fun will your home, catch ya later.
Bro J

Anonymous said...

Nothing replaces a big boobed bavarian woman and the smell of sausages and smoke in a beer tent...But before I buy a coffee probably decide to have one of those at home.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that SPC Dude is out. Tell him hi for me when you talk to him.
Bro J

Thunder said...

Lightnin - You caught it, but i don't think everyone else did! ;-)

STEB - I guess my move to BJ cut back on their draft beer demand!

FC - You're right that is a close second!

Bro J - We went to "The Farm" to get a cheese burger on my second ride. Yep, it's good to have SPC Dude out of the "Sand Box".

RBP - Well you've got a point there, but since Lightnin isn't big into serving me beer in her dirndel I'll opt for the machine! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I couldn't remember the name of that place. So how long did you have that smile on your face after that first ride, or is it still there?
Bro J