Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day 2008

It's Father's Day and I thought I'd take some time out of my busy routine to pay tribute to a few father's out there!

This is one of our own knuckle heads who has turned out to be one of the best father's. He keeps our grandson occupied, which is not an easy task.

Happy Father's Day Mike!

I think you all know this knuckle head, but he also happens to be a great father, and friend!

Happy Father's Day FC!

Here's a couple of Father's Helping us celebrate our anniversary this past year.

Scott is in the orange shirt on the right, and STEB is on the left with a ball cap on (his son is in the stripes next to me).

Happy Father's Day guy's!

Of course I had to get into the picture too. even though this is a grandfather pose here! He and I are always the first one's up in the morning.

I got my Father's day gift a couple of days early when SPC Dude called to let us know he was out of Kuwait and back in Germany!

(Go ahead and make fun of those pants, but keep in mind that they are official KC Chiefs sleepwear!)

The before and after pictures from when my Mother and Father traveled to our new land in Florida to help get the weeds under control. I'm sure they are completely out of control again since I've been out of the country.

My father was 79 in these photos and he was helping me cut weeds, haul brush, and treat the fence! He'll be 80 this August and I'll have to wish him a really long distance happy birthday this year.

Happy Father's Day Dad!

Uncle E - I didn't have any photos of you or I would have posted one! Happy Father's Day!

I hate to do this, but I'm going to end on a sad note today.

Lightnin's father passed away this last year and this is the first Father's day she has spent without him. She's trying to cope with her loss which isn't easy because they were so close!

She's constantly catching herself thinking of calling him to tell him what's been going on, like her visiting me in China, my coming home from China for a visit, SPC Dude getting back to Germany, etc.

I don't think anyone can ever get over the loss of their father, but they just learn how to cope with it!

To all of you other fathers out there: Happy Father's Day!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for such a great tribute. I realize how trully blessed I am to have such a wonderful family.

Anonymous said...

Another great post, and a happy Father's Day to you, and to all the others that have been blessed with the joys and trials of Father hood.
Lightnin my thoughts are with you , too!
Bro J

Anonymous said...

Thunder I hope your fathers day is enjoyable. Thank you for sharing the pics of all the other great dad’s.happy flag day also. S T E B

R.Powers said...

Honored to be included in that group!
Happy father's day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Fathers Day! This tribute blog was aswesome, I love the pictures.

I can't even imagine you're pain, but you are so right about having been blessed with a great family. I like to think I'm blessed with the same gift.

Taco :)

Jacki said...

Happy Father's Day, Thunder! I'm sure Lightnin was happy to have you home to celebrate :)

Anonymous said...

thanks for letting everyone know that im back, i also find myself wanting to call grandpa and the hardest thing is not recieving those chain mails that he always sent to us all. no to the important stuff!!!!! i start my leave on the 26th of this month so i cant get to the embassy before then bc i am like 2hrs away from frankfurt. also it looks like i will be able to leave on the 1st as planned. i love you guys and cant wait to see you.

Thunder said...

All - Sorry it's taken me so long to respond, but it seems this traveling has taken it's toll on me!

Lightnin - I feel the same way and miss you deeply!

Bro J - Thanks, I was lucky enough to have spent it back in the US.

STEB - Thanks and back at ya!

FC - How could I leav you out of the line up? ;-)

Taco - Thanks, I'm glad I got to see you while I was back!

Jacki - Thanks! It's been a while since I've heard from you, but then it's been a while since I've posted anything! ;-)

SPC Dude - Thanks you for the early Father's day gift phone call on Friday! ;-)