Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Back in Beijing

All, I'm sorry I've been a bit slack on the posts for awhile, but believe it or not I actually have a job to do over here and since they're paying the bills I sort of felt obligated to get things done. In the world of global commerce you have to cover all the time zones, and for us that usually means working from 7AM (to get our work done) until 9-10PM to connect with Europe and the US to satisfy their needs. That plus the brief trip back to the States sort of caused a bit of interruption to my blogging time.
So anyway I'm back and ready to post again!

I screwed up my knee (one of the dangers of "Growing older, but not up") and so I've been working from home these past 2 days. This has given me the opportunity to catch a photo of a definite oddity in Beijing weather.

This is not smog it is real fog! We actually have enough humidity in the air in daytime to cause a fog!

I'm also going on a company off-site to the sea side at Nan Dai He, so I'll try to capture some photos of that and post about it.
Well that's all the time I have for now, lunch break is over, so I'll try to get back into a routine and keep you updated with what's happening in the "Jing"!


Anonymous said...

So the integration in the true workaholic-lifestyle worked!
Dont worry about getting on with blogging, C-Dub is far behind you on
FUNNY YOU MENTIONED THE GETTING OLD ASPECT... I pulled a tendon in my shoulder on sunday.My arm feels like its slowly dying! I guess my way to the old-people-group is not too long anymore.

Ur son is all excited to come and see you there.


Anonymous said...

Nice to see you back but I enjoyed picking up the slack LOL! That's my favorite shirt you have there you know? Gonna have have to see if we can find one for me when we get there. Wonder if C-Dub got us one in Kuwait? I keep forgetting to ask him. Glad you enjoyed the pics from the bike run on Saturday. Maybe I should post again?

R.Powers said...

Yes, Lightnin, post again!

Hope that knee heals quick pal. I can only imagine what you might have been doing to injure it.

Looking forward to some salty sino shots.

Anonymous said...

Thunder sorry to hear about your misfortune with your knee ;-( the shot of the tee shirt great. I enjoyed putting thought the country side. We must do that again!!!? I understand your celebration of your B day was quit the event :-) S T E B

Anonymous said...

Hey there, so what did you do? Pretty cool lookin shirt, I'm still waiting for mine!
Bro J

Thunder said...

RBP - The work scheule is crazy trying to meet 5 different time zones! ;-) Sorry to hear about your shoulder, but you'll notice the difference in age by how much faster your injury will heal than mine!

Lightnin - Yes, please post as often as you can, it will help to keep people coming to check out the blog, after all I originally set it up so that you could blog on it too!

FC - You don't want to know. Just got back late last night so I'm going to try to down load the photos and psot them. It was pretty foggy and cold there though so I wasn't able to get too many good ones!

STEB - Ditto man, I can't wait to get it out riding again when I get home!

Bro J - Well the MRI just shows some strain on one of the ligaments and some bruising, but no serious damage. As far as the shirt H-D operates with US prices so you may need to wait awhile!