Monday, May 19, 2008

Trip to Brussels and My Brush with the Law

I had to travel to Brussels for business and was able to use one of my paid trips to bring Lightnin over for a visit. It's really only a long weekend as we both leave tomorrow, she back to the US and me to PRC. It's been a short visit, but fun just the same!

Do you recognize this place from my previous posts?

We ended up running into a couple of parades on Saturday, and during one of them I met up with the Brussels police!

As you can see though it was a friendly encounter! ;-)

While we were sitting at LeRoy's (might be a hint for the question I posed on the first picture) in the late afternoon we met some nice folks from the Netherlands and started talking. The conversation (and beer) was just too good to end so we continued the comaradary over dinner and on into the night. It's always nice to meet folks from other places and share points of view, laughs, food, and drink!

Wineger and Amerikana (the names have been changed to protect the innocent), we hope to see you again sometime it was a blast!

Alas it's time to say goodbye to Brussels, I'm sure there'll be a next time though!


Anonymous said...

Hi-It's anonymous again from last week? I forget!My user name is Labscats.I live west of Atlanta and am a mechanic for the world's soon to be largest airline!(Hint,hint!)I have a 14 year old son and my wife is from near Pittsburgh,Pa.I love to fish when I can-which isn't very often.(Have too many home projects to do!)Right now I'm trying to teach myself how to play acoustic guitar.I would really like to learn to play Spanish guitar or Flemenco!There's such an art to playing it.I do have a blog,but Ihaven't been on it in years.Heck,I can't even log on to it!Well,gotta go back to work-Labscats

Anonymous said...

I'd love to spend the night in the pokie with that officer . glad you had a great time in brussels. study heard as you play. S T E B

Anonymous said...

You guys look like you had an awesome time in Brussels!! Even though it was a short visit, short visits with the Misses are better than no visits at all, I guess. Welp, I'm glad to see you're well. I've heard you lost some weight from eating rice and scorpians all the time :) Just dont get too use to eating with chop sticks that you forget how to use a fork!
Taco :)

R.Powers said...

I remember a different brush with the law ... or was it just running through the brush to avoid the law?
Yes, yes, I believe that was it.

Glad you are okay and globetrotting with wifey.

Thunder said...

Labscats - Thanks for the extra info! If you look back at some of my past posts you'll see that I'm doing my best to keep your business booming. Hopefully LDC (a fellow reader) will let her husband read your response, he'd be a good one to get in touch with about the guitar! ;-) To answer your original question, I'm a Senior Scientist for the world's largest consumer products company!

STEP - Exactly! Trying to study in between work, Mandarin lessons, travel, and sleep! ;-)

Taco - I agree whole heartedly! It was really good to see Lightnin in such a short time. I'll see you guy's in June too!

FC - I don't think I'll ever forget that, and it started out so innocently! ;-)

Thunder said...

FC - I forgot to add that I haven't been able to keep up this past couple of weeks due to updates to the big, and I mean "BIG", boys about my projects. Got another one tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

check out this new site i found, its called you might like it lol. i cant wait to see you guys soon


spc dude

Thunder said...

SPC Dude - I'll check it out. We can't wait to see you too!