Sunday, May 11, 2008

Hou Hai

Hou hai (Ho-Hi) is a little lake area inside Beijing that has lots of little shops and restaurants around it. Yesterday was a beautifully clear, sunny day, but the wind started to pick up pretty drastically as the day went along.

I met up with a couple of my new friends over here and walked around the lake area a bit, stopped and ate lunch and then headed back across town to an electronics store because one of my friends was looking for a new phone.

While heading back from the shopping trip we ran across this little neighborhood Asian Bar-B-Que restaurant and decided to stop in a try it out. The food was great and the beer was the coldest in Beijing! They kept it in a chest freezer and it was a very refreshing drink after walking around the city all day. We feasted on grilled lamb, chicken wings, and mushrooms, and some sauteed spinach with a wasabi dressing on it. It was all very tasty!


Anonymous said...

cool picture! On my list of things to do next trip, which I hope is soon!

Thunder said...

Lightnin - I'm hoping for July, but I'll see you in a few days!

Anonymous said...

Hi-I found your blog from FC's blog.Very interesting life you live!But I wonder,what exactly do you do for a living?

Thunder said...

Hello Hi - Well first why don't we start off with a name for you and a bit about yourself, and then I'd be willing to share a bit more.