Sunday, March 04, 2007

Cappacino,Beers, and Burgers

Here's the sign outside of Loyd's bar that I spoke about in my earlier post about my trip from Brussels to Newcastle. They do seem to have the best prices in town and a good selection of beers. They also have a pretty good kitchen with daily specials. I got the "Beer, Burger, and Chips" special today.

My choice was a Lamb burger with a Pedigree Ale from Weston's Brewery. I chose the Pedigree Ale to go with lunch because I had been served the last pint of Geordie's pride while making my decision on what to eat. Pedigree is a Special Bitter style, and a wonderful example at that, but that's not what this post is about. If you read my post from earlier this morning you may have noticed the bit of a blue funk that started to creep in on me as I wrote. Well my knickers have been unbunched and I'm back in a much better mood!

As I walked out of Loyd's yesterday I remembered that I had a picture of this bridge from one of my earlier trips. It is now under rennovation and is covered with canvas. I tried to get as close to the same shot as I had tken previously, and the sky even has a similar appearance!

I also decided to get a shot of my hotel from Loyd's. My hotel is the big building at the top of the hill, just through the bridge in this shot.

I also stopped just after crossing the draw bridge that I had to cross to get back to the hotel to take this shot. I was hoping to show the steep grade that leads up to the hotel. I'd estimate it at about 18%, although the phot unfortunately doesn't really show it well. It was as difficult to walk down as it is to walk back up, and if you were to lose your footing you could easily roll all the way down into the Tyne itself.

The last photo was taken from about half way up the hill. You can just barely see Loyd's, it's the white building with the red roof in the lower left of the photo under the bridge. I think this photo does capture the distance I've been walking a bit better, and possibly the steep grade of the hill.

As I snapped this photo I started to feel drop of rain. As I completed my climb up and around the building the wind had started to pick up, and as I write this now it is raining once again!

Well I intend to stay in and try to reduce the sypmtoms of the cold that I have caught by taking a hot bath and purhaps sipping on some tea, so that's it for now.



R.Powers said...

Great shots Dave. So how was the lamb burger?

Thunder said...

Thanks, i had a good day to grab the photos. They overcooked it a bit, but it tasted good and really went well with the Pedigree Ale!