Friday, March 23, 2007

1st Official Hops Update of 2007

Just a short update since Spring officially arrived at 8:07PM Tuesday night. The average daily air temperature is finally on the rise, but unfortunately the ground temperature has not made a significant enough increase to signal the sprouting of the hops. So I'll let them sleep awhile longer and just keep checking on them. I do need to clear away last years growth though, and will try to get that done this weekend.

Speaking of clearing away last year's growth: With the coming of Spring I removed my personal Winter foliage and am trimmed back down to my minimal Summer facial hair. I've also prepared a selection of hats to protect my noggen from the sun while tending to the hops!

More updates to come!


R.Powers said...

Just catching up. It does feel good to lose the winter coat.

I hope your hops are successful.

Thunder said...

I think they will be. I'm going to try to get another update out, they were already a foot tall on Sunday.