Tuesday, January 17, 2012

He's a Lumberjack and He's OK....

So we decided to smoke some ribs for dinner yesterday! No problem, except I don't have a smoker/grill, no charcoal either, hmmm. Let's see I've got a clump of dead trees right over there, dang, my chainsaw isn't running. OK what did they use before chainsaws? I don't have an ax either, just a splitter, ah ha I do have a cross-cut bow saw!

That's how the day started yesterday. I was able to get a couple of the dead trees dropped and had them cut up by 10:30AM. So I gathered up some kindling and got the fire started so it would be ready for cooking in time for dinner.

Making the drop angle cut

Conquered that one

Building the fire

Just add meat

The payoff, complete with spicy potato salad and a killer rough cut slaw provided by Lightnin

It's fun living back in the woods!


Anonymous said...

that looks so good reminds me of something Bear Grylls would do on man vs. wild! we really cant wait for our chance to come down and visit!


Thunder said...

Dude - We can't wait either! If you haven't seen it yet you need to check out "Man/Woman Wild". It's a bit more like us out here! ;-)

Anonymous said...

love the pic of dave raising the roof ;-P

Dude is watching all new episodes of Bear and is already planning survival trips when the kids are older (Im a lil scared we will have to drink pee and eat bugs)



Thunder said...

RBP - Some of those bugs are very tasty, go back and see some of the posts from 2008-2009 in China! Not so sure about the pee! ;-)

Netter XoX said...

OMG! only my number one boyfriend :) If there's a will there's a way & with you there has ALWAYS been a way. Retired life is a new beginning... need I say more? Looks like a pretty yummy anniversary dinner too! LOVE YOU!

Thunder said...

Hey Netter - You know it! Can't wait to see you guys!