Friday, January 06, 2012

Hectic Schedule

Since we left Cincinnati in a whirlwind it was now necessary to unpack and put things away in the new home. So we decided logically that the place to start would be the place that the house is centered around, the kitchen of course! We adjusted the shelving in the cabinets and rearranged the stuff that we had previously brought down and now the kitchen is functional at maximum efficiency!

It's important to point out that we've adopted a strategy to this retirement thing, and that is that we have put together a list of work items that need to get done and we will work our way down that list one item at a time. We will work on each item until noon that day, and if we get it completed early we're done. If we don't get it done by noon then we finish it the next day.

So with our work behind us yesterday Lightnin decided to stay home and read from her Kindle and I leathered up and went for a nice long ride.

The sun was out and the temperature was up to 65F. I decided to take a loop from the OTT to CJ's, then to Bear's Den, and end up back at the OTT. It ended up being a 70mile run and I made it home by 5pm. That timing is critical for two reasons: 1) It gets dark here around 5:30pm and I mean dark! The last thing I want to do is try to ride the bike down our lime rock road in pitch black and 2) It does actually get cold at night here this time of year, and with the extra humidity in the air it carries some impact.

So what's on the agenda for today? I'm not sure I guess I'd better check the list to see!


Pablo said...

Here's something to put on the top of the list: post more pix!

Thunder said...

Pablo - I hear ya loud and clear! ;-) I think we might be able to fix that tomorrow!

Island Rider said...

Translation please. What is OTT and CJ? From Just another bike rider always looking for a good road.

Thunder said...

Island Rider - OTT: Old Town Tavern; CJ's Tavern in Branford. Thanks for stopping by, maybe we'll see each other on a ride.