Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Weekend Update!

Not much to report, but here goes:

Gulf Oil Crisis - If you watched the news then you probably know that they are trying to place a new cap on the gusher, let's hope this one works! Lightnin is still down there doing her part to keep the clean-up crews safe. If you get CMT then hopefully you caught the Jimmy Buffet benefit concert last night.

Lumber Dave (Who's this Jack guy?) - Saturday morning I had a chance to help out our friends Julie and Rick stocking up on some firewood! One of their neighbors had dropped a bunch of trees, pulled them out of the woods and dumped 'em in a stack. It was sort of a game of log climbing, twister, and "chess with a chainsaw", but we cleared out quite a little bit of the pile of logs. Next comes splitting and rumor has it that we'll pit man against machine!

Harley and Me - The weather was nice enough that I was able to put in a couple of hundred miles again this weekend. Unfortunately with Lightnin down at the G of M I'm temporarily without "Helmet Cam" capability so I didn't get any photos.

The House - Looks like we'll get the geological survey completed in the next couple of weeks, so depending on the outcome we might actually do ground breaking in about a month!

That's about it for this past weekend, I'll try to get some sort of photography to add to next weekend's update.

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