Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Close Encounters in Beijing!

Do you need more proof that they exist?


I go past this structure nearly everyday on my way in to work and I finally had my camera ready on a fairly clear day so I could get this shot.

If you look close you can even see the mountains in the background. I think I'm facing north when I took this, but I have to confess that since I've been in Beijing my sense of direction is failing. I think it's because my internal compass might be running backwards over here! ;-)


Anonymous said...

so do you have any clue what this thing is or dose S T E B

Thunder said...

STEB - Yes it's actually a very much over engineered canopy for the circular drive between the 2 buildings in the picture. It's absolutely huge too, because if you look the buildings are 5 stories tall and it stands another 2 to 3 above that. I can't even estimate the radius or diameter!