This past weekend we made the trip from Beijing to New York to see our oldest Son Matt graduate from the Masters program at Christies (you know the famous auction house). Well it was definitely an event that we couldn't miss!
I'll keep the text brief because we wanted to share a few pictures, and as they say a picture is worth a thousand words!

Here's the proud graduate the night before the ceremony standing in front of Christies

Graduation! You can see the delight and relief as he accepts the "sheep skin"

The proud parents (I know, I look like a priest, but it's actually a traditional Mandarin style Tux; what are you doing looking at me anyway check out that dress!)

The proud parents with the new graduate

The whole cast of supporters
So what do you do to fill the time while waiting for the ceremony? Well site see off course!

The Letterman Show was right around the corner from our hotel and this was taken from the balcony of the bar on the pent house level

Matt and I in the subway

A cool looking cathedral we passed while taking a cab ride

After the ceremony we returned to the hotel to find out it was Salsa Night, and this young lady was more than happy to try to teach "the priest" how to dance

The bartenders did their part to keep us entertained too
From here Lightnin headed back to Cincy and I boarded a plane back to "The Jing". I think I spent as much time in the air as I did on the ground, but I wouldn't have missed it in the world!
Congratulations Matt!
Thunder as always pictures are great congrats to your son and we can see how proud you both are of him. Do we need to send a white collar back with Lightin for your suit just kidding you both look great. Have a merry Christmas and I'll be thinking of you both over the holiday's. Take Care Smokin
Looking flllyyyyyyy as a bird, hot momma!!Seriously, takes away 30 years ( are you even that old???)
Congrats to Matt! I guess life just starts for him now.
Hey everyone Matt great job. Hey Do you want to sell a painting.Miss you guys Rod
Smokin - Thanks, Thanks for getting her from the airport!
FC - Thanks, you'll get there soon enough too!
RBP - Isn't that dress awesome?!
Rod - Thanks, it's only s few months away now and we'll be home!
From strange hats to preacher collars you have it all covered. As to the hot looking woman that is with you and your son. NICE!!!! To Matt congratulations! I hope the sheep skin will pay off for you with great dividends. S T E B
STEB - Always good to hear from you!
Neurologic Sequels:
Hernia of the loins and cervical discal hernia, palsy(seizure).
Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases:
Kidney, urinary tract and some gynecological diseases, hemorrhoid.
Dermatological Diseases:
Acne, psoriasis, eczema, mange, neurodermatitis, dermatosis.
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