Thursday, December 25, 2008

First Pictures From Harbin, China Brrrrrrr!

Not a lot to say but wanted to share the first few photos from Harbin. Last night it -65 degrees here! We just set our drinks between the first set of windows to keep "chilled". You can see in the first picture where Thunder opened the inside window in order to scrape the outside window to see out!

The next pictures are from our bunch today. The ginger bread house and windmill are made of real gingerbread. (Aaron found this out by touching the windmill and promptly having some of the pieces fall off and break!)

For those of you familiar with the thermostat problems I had in the states, I had another issue last night! I thought I was seeing the temp drop right before my very eyes....the sign went 24, 23, 22.....then I realized it was how many seconds until the light changed! Oh well, just another Tami Jean moment here in the frozen tundra!


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas from Germany, the capitol of Gluehwine!!!( I dont know about u, but I feel warm after a couple of cups, dont even feel the blue fingers hurt anymore).
Looks like you guys visited Santas toyshop. Now u can see a white chick go nutz if you dont bring back at least the chocolate fountain.


Anonymous said...

was that eir liquor in the glasses behind the chocolate? jaf

Anonymous said...

I misspelled it sh/be eier sorry jaf

Thunder said...

RBP - Thanks and Merry Christmas to you guy's too. We're enjoying Chinese beer, Chinese Champagne and Russian Vodka here!

JaF - Not eier liquor, custard, but we have some at the apartment in Beijing courtesy of SPC Dude!