Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Preparing for Thanksgiving in the "Jing"

Yes we are celebrating Thanksgiving in Beijing, even though "the Pilgrams and the Indians, got nothin' to do with the Chinese". We are spending Thanksgiving with 19 of our new friends or "expats" as they are called here. We are having Turkey, mac-n-cheese, mashed potatoes, roast beef stuffed with dressing and who knows what else? Our contribution is calico beans with smoked sausage, corn bread, and Thunders famous sweet potato pie. Herein lies the problem. #1) We buy already made pie crust at Kroger's, #2) we don't have our recipe with us, #3) no ground Ginger and #4) What's sweet Potato pie with out Cool Whip! Good Luck!!! So a friend came over today and she and I went shopping to get what we could! Oh what fun! Hey, I did find what I think is similar to Reddi-whip! We'll know on Thursday. Got on my trusty computer and found a recipe for pie crust! I am so sure my poor deceased Grandma was watching and saying "What is that girl doing? That will never turn into a pie crust".

Oh, I failed to mention that we also couldn't find pie plates....Trusty Expat friends had just what I needed! So, we made pie crust and Thunder made sweet potato pie. Will let you know how this turns out. It smells good and looks like ours! So enjoy a few pictures of our amazing Thanksgiving experience here in the Jing!


Anonymous said...

The pictures are great. So David had to go back to the real basic did he have to get the pumpkin and roast it and mash it also. The finished product looks delicious you will have to let us now how it taste S T E B

R.Powers said...

No ginger in China?
What the hell?

Anonymous said...

should have emailed me. I have a killer sweet potato pie recipe. jaf

Anonymous said...

oh I read the blog wrong it was the crust you needed recipe for. Well you can't beat Crisco butter flavored pie crust. now did I get it right? Oh sweet potato pie doesn't call for ginger. I thought China and ginger were joined at the hip. jaf

Anonymous said...

Wow! David I'm gonna start calling you slim! You look great. I hope Tami and you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Post some pictures of the slim Mrs. Wise. Eve

Thunder said...

STEB - Sweet Potato pies not pumkin, altough they are prtty close to the same when finished.

FC - Just fresh nto dried, which is great for cooking, but difficult for baking.

JAF - We'll let oyu know how it turned out. Also see above comment to FC. ;-)

Eve - Yep she's getting the same effects from the good diet and exercise over here that I've been getting!

Anonymous said...

Have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!
I am SO blessed and thankful that you and girlfriend are in my life!

Everything looks yummy and I KNOW it is if you cooked it boyfriend :)

I love you both bunches
your Netter

Anonymous said...

everything looks great tell everyone Happy Thanksgiving from Cincy smoken

Thunder said...

Netter - We'll find out how good it tastes later today!

Smokin - Thanks, hope you're staying warm there!