It looks like they have survived the freeze that we got over Easter and late this past week too. Unfortunately the Creeping Phlox that we planted didn't fair so well. It survived the frost, but the rabbits dug every one of the plants up and ate the roots! Little do they know it, but they're pretty lucky they don't like hops. If they did, rabbit stew would be on the stove while I'm writing this!
We were lucky that the storm, the same one hitting the East Coast right now, moved over us too quickly to turn to snow last night.
As the storm passed it brought high winds, but warmer temperatures. We actually made it up to 50F today, and are expected to be up into the 60's by Tuesday!
With all of the rain we've had, the warmth and sunlight is all that these lovely little vines need to get going again.
Hopefully I'll be ready to lift a carboy full of liquid by the time they're ready for harvest!
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