For those of you who have met Spot (AKA: Stinky Cat, El Gato, Dumb Katze), you know that at about this time of the year she begins to try to shed, or more like slough-off her winter coat, looking much like a miniture Musk Ox! So when spring comes along she gets a nice shave, bath, and what ever annual shots she's supposed to get.
Oh yeah she looks a little funny, and it's hard to keep from laughing, but we can tell that she definitely feels much more comfortable now that temperatures are on the rise.
We tried to get a shot of her in the same pose, but she wouldn't cooperate. True to the cat code!
1 comment:
I think that she looks C...O...O...L !!!!! So now you can also call her the COOL CAT. I remember her best as the LAMP CAT because when I first saw her at your house 15 years ago she would always climb up under the Lamp Shade.
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