Saturday, March 03, 2012

Sunrise and the North Florida Brewery

Up with the sun to get things cleaned up from the double batch brewing.

Sunrise in the jungle

Yesterday's brewing session didn't quite go as planned, to say the least! Sure I was able to tap into the spare gas connection that was installed for this purpose, but I didn't test fire the burner to make sure there was enough pressure. So we had to do the boil in the house, therefore the double batch actually ended up being 2 batches! We were finally finished at 9:30pm so it ended up being an 11 hour session.

Lightnin hung in there with me till the end and lent (no pun intended) a much appreciated hand in the operation!

This is the current North Florida Brewery, but I'm hoping to upgrade to a more user friendly system in the near future

We brewed a double batch of cream ale and by the looks of it in primary fermentation it should be a beautiful golden color! I always sample the unfermented wort to get an idea of what it will come out like and this one should be nice, light, and just slightly bitter at the end. We'll see how it comes out over the next few weeks!


Netter said...

BEAUTIFUL picture of the jungle!
save some brew for me & Ricky.
love you all XoX

Thunder said...

It shoud last awhile. If not, I'll brew more! ;-)