Tuesday, April 26, 2011

So This is What I came Home to!

This spring has been a wet one for us here in the Ohio River Valley!. The ground is saturated and there's no place for the rain to go. We currently live near the White Water River and I ventured out today to take a few shots of the flooding.

These first few are at a boat ramp and park just around the corner from us. Those are trees floating down the river

This is usually a field which should already have corn planted in it, but right now it's a lake

The White Water River is usually a docile clear running body of water where you can tube, canoe, or kayak down to cool off during the summer.

Right now it's not raining, but there are more storms coming later this evening and we may not see the sun until Friday. that means that it will be a daily check as to see if we can get out to go to work in the morning or get back home at night. I guess we'd better pack a few things and take them with us just in case!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! That last picture shows me how fast it can come up! Wasn't like that when I left home this morning!