Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Thunder Gone = World Coming To An End?

Lightnin here-

Just thought I'd tell my side of the past 6 months without Thunder....(not that any of you asked),

here goes:


Thunder left Cincinnati somewhere around the 3rd of March of this year. Within 5 days we had a blizzard!!! I now have to shovel snow myself (Hey I had to do this last year too, remember the surgery?!) and then try to find someone who will keep it shoveled. I'm a Princess and we don't do this type of thing, remember? Meanwhile, Thunder is posting the first of many sunset photos.


Okay, first encounter with Mother Nature alone...not so bad. I can do this! Sure I can!....9 days later it starts raining and melting all that snow! Yep! You guessed it....Floods! I had to leave work to go home to get clothing, feed the cat and get outta there! Couldn't get back to my house that day! Thanks God for STEB and Taco's hospitality, I have a safe, dry and warm place to stay.


By April we are all missing Thunder and following his blogs feeling sorry for him "searching for a cheeseburger in Beijing", I'm getting ready to make my first trip over, when "WTFH?" a 5.2 earthquake? In Cincinnati? Sure thing, the morning I leave.


Well, for some time now I've worried about our land in Florida with all of the hurricanes. Yep, you guessed it! Ike entered my life on Sunday afternoon around 1:00 PM and I am still without power at this moment on Tuesday afternoon! This is a little too creepy for me. But I have also learned to be more prepared in the future! Again, STEB and Taco gave me a place to stay since their power came back on late Monday afternoon. There were over 900,000 homes in Cincinnati without power on Sunday and as of today there are still over 500,000 still in the dark. I'm not expecting power back until later this week. But everyone is working together to make this as painless as possible. I'm going to say a prayer and just hope that fire and tornadoes don't get us in the next 6 months!

That just about covers all of the natural disasters doesn't it? Thunder, you need to get back here if you expect things to ever be the same!!!

Here are a few pictures from Sunday.


R.Powers said...

I was wondering about you the other morning as NPR stated the Cinn area was powerless and wet.

Good training for your eventual Florida life.

Anonymous said...

I guess it was just a practice run for me but let me tell you right now, Thunder will NEVER leave Florida without me!

UPDATE-I got home around 3:30 and yippee, I have lights! (Boy do I men lights, guess I couldn't get used to them being off and everytime I walked into a room, yep! Flip the 'ol switch! My neighbor had somehow switched her garbage disposal on un knowingly. She said she was dosing off on the couch when the power came on! Needless to say, she woke up!

Thunder said...

As if anyone could drag me out of Florida after we move there!

Hey and just so you'll feel better the elevators at my apartment have been out of order for the past two days now. So I've had to hoof it up and down 16 flights to get to and from work each day! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Nice title thunder and we all made it through with the help of friends and I found out I have a few right here in my building we all worked together and helped each other out and things were good. Talk to you later and hopefully this is the end of bad weather. smokin

Thunder said...

Lightnin - I just got a chance to look at the link to the storm pictured on Channel 12. Holy Crap!!!! I'm glad you're OK!

Anonymous said...

Thunder. I came home Sunday from Indy. What a windy ride in a 35ft motor home!!! To find 4 of my neighbor’s trees in my yard, and no power and all that go’s with it is now about 530am Wednesday morning. I came home to find the neighbors tree people have dropped what was left of the pine tree. Into my yard and collected my hot tub. As I went to work at 4pm I notice to men getting out of a rollback car hauler, in front of my neighbors. All of the red flags should have gone up. Today we cut trees? Taking pictures when it gets light. Might have to share them with you. S T E B

Thunder said...

STEB - I'll be home Friday so maybe we can get together Saturday and do damage assessment!

Anonymous said...

I am very lucky to have met you both at the Old Brick Tavern. Your photos are breath taking,I think i will retire my camera. If I could only do half the beauty as you I would be happy. Do you and your wife happening to teach photography? Hope to see you again in your adventures. C.C.