Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Countdown to China!

Well the countdown starts today (of course I've been counting down since Friday the 1st), because the official announcement of my relocation came out in the company mail today! Only 15 more working days until I hop on a plane and head for the PROC.

The main question is: What can I pack into 4 pieces of luggage? (oh, and 1 carry-on!)

I'm so psyched about this adventure that I can hardly contain myself (ok, I can hardly contain myself on a good day, but this is even worse). I will say though that it was very weird purchasing a one-way ticket to a foreign country!

Both Lightnin and I will be attending a one day Asian Culture course to try to minimize the Culture Shock, both on our part and theirs! ;-)
As preparation for this class we had to fill out one of those personality profile questionaires. They plan to use the information to more personalize the training to our needs, but because the two of us test out at both ends of the spectrum I have a feeling that they'll also want to know how in the world we've managed to stay together for this long! ;-) It should be interesting!

I will also start my language lessons next week too, so I expect my head to explode sometime around mid March!

More updates coming soon (tick-tock)!


Anonymous said...

so you can teach old dogs new language.good luck with that lighting.thunder just think of it as dealing with red necks that dont speek english& HAVE FUN WITH IT. rember IT ALL ABOUT HAVING FUN S T E B

Thunder said...

STEB - You said it! Life's too short to waste on something that's not fun!