Thursday, October 11, 2007

Typical Ohio Fall, Air Conditioning in the Morning Furnace at Night

If you read one of my posts during the past week or so you'll know that we've been breaking records for high temperatures ever since July. This past Monday (October 8th) we broke a record of 91F that stood since 1860, when they first started recording Ohio weather!

Well that all came to an abrupt halt today. In true, typical Cincinnati fashion We went from 90F to 60F for the high in 24 hours, and we're supposed to get down to a high of 48F tomorrow!

Yep, once again it's air conditioning one day and furnace the next! I could sure use some firewood right about now.


Jacki said...

haha, we had the same thing here. I got in my car yesterday and it said it was 101 degrees outside, then I step outside this morning and the humidity has gone WAY down and it's actually pleasant! I might even open the windows!! Yee-haw!

Thunder said...

Jacki - We actually warmed back up a bit this week and it's not bad here either now. I know what lurks right around the corner though!

pissed off patricia said...

I'm in Fla. We had temps down in the mid 80's today and that's as close as we have been to fall weather so far this year. We can still sweat night and day.

I envy you your change in temps. That's just part of fall.......but not down here yet.

Thunder said...

POP - I envy you because your in Florida! ;-)

Deb said...

You ought to try living in Minnesota! Last weekend I was on a birding trip in a harbor to Lake Superior. It was in the fifties, cold and windy. I got home, emerging from the fog a few miles north of home, only to find out my husband and kids were in a nearby part of the state where it was 80+ degrees and sunny all day. Then it got down to 25 degrees the other night. Now it's steady in the fifties and raining...woke up to water dripping on my face this morning, darn roof was leaking. To my surprise, my husband got right on it, up on the roof at 5:30 with his head lamp. The dripping stopped; he must have found the leak.