Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Ok, one last Oktoberfest posting!

Ok I'sure you're getting tired of hearing about the Oktoberfest, but I had to share this one last photo. During the 3 day event we slow roasted 600 chickens and 18 pigs! Now that's a Bar-B-Que Pit!


R.Powers said...

Oh man, I am starving right now and I can almost smell the picture.

R.Powers said...

Okay, It is now weeks later and no new posts! Put the beer down and write!



I HEARD THAT! BACK AWAY FROM THE BEER...SLOWLY...SLOWLY...GOOD, NOW PUT YOUR HANDS UP... on your keyboard and post something!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, give us another couple of posts. This is good stuff!

Thunder said...

FC and Pablo,

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I hear ya! I've been tied up the past week and half with work (7am - 10 or 11pm). We hosted the global team meetings this week so I've been busy with my couterparts from 5 different countries. Today was my first day back at my desk and I was greeted with 753 new e-mails, but as you can see I decided to do the right thing and take time to respond to your comments.(lol)
I promise to get something out over this coming weekend!

Gnerve - Dude, you'll have to explain that one to me when we talk this weekend. I hope you and Herera had a good time. Tell him We'll be thinking about him and to let us know where we can send stuff to him.