Monday, November 26, 2007

Cold Weather Cooking

It's been seasonably cold here this weekend, but if you've been following along you know I was down in a warmer climate this past week. It was a shock waking up to temperatures in the 20's these past couple of days. So what do you do when it's cold outside? Cook, of course!

I spent the day splitting fire wood and cooking.

I whipped up this beef and bean chilli.

I'm also working on a shrimp stew that will be served on grits. This was a tasty treat that we sampled at the Depot Cafe at Cedar Key. I decided to give it a try and I'll show photo of it when we fix the grits later this week.

I also decided to boil some peanuts, and added some Cajun crab boil to mine.

Now that I'm done cooking I'll get a fire going before it get's too cold.
They're calling for rain all day tomorrow, but at least it will warm up a bit.


Anonymous said...

the chili looks good jaf

Thunder said...

Hey you decided to visit, good! The Chili is good, and I'll have a bowl waiting when Lightnin come's home tomorrow.

Jacki said...

mmmmmmmm...boiled peanuts. I remember climbing into my dad's lap as a little girl to pilfer some of those bad boys.

Thunder said...

Jacki - I can't resist them at all. I had my Mom and Dad try them down there and they liked them, but I have to confess that I ate most of them myself.