Thursday, November 22, 2007

More Thoughts and Photos from the Road

This morning we went back out to the property to hang the chain and sign across the entrance to let folks know that the property actually belonged to someone, and wasn't some pace to dump trash. So with all of our business and manual labor out of the way it was time to rest and reflect a bit.

We stopped by to see FC for a quick visit to wish he and his family a Happy Thanksgiving, and then we headed over to Manatee Springs to relax and view a bit of nature. What a beautiful day to do that, it's sunny and 80F today and the breeze blowing in from the Suwanee felt really nice. (Sorry Lightnin, I don't mean to rub it in!). We didn't see much wildlife out there though, a few Mullet, one Anole (sp?), and a few Vultures (both Turkey and Black).

Here's just a few random shots of the trip so far that I haven't shared yet:

Just a shot of the now signed entrance (Hey, you can actually see the drive now!)

Here's one of our Palm trees

Here's another one (We've got several more!)

This was on the boardwalk at Manatee Springs, right near the Suwanee River.
(Mom's going to hate me when she sees this one because she doesn't like to have her picture taken, but I wanted to give this tree some scale)
This was another shot of the sunset from last evening, I thought I would leave you with this photo!
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and the coffee shop where I've been blogging from is closed. We'll be leaving early on Friday morning to head back north, so this will be the last post for a few days. I'll complete my tales from the road once I get home.
It's been a good trip despite the fact that Lightnin and I had two separate tasks which prevented us from being together for the holiday. Both of which needed to be completed before I leave the country for the next year. It was also good that I was able to spend this time with my parents. I think they've had a fun time, and again I can't say enough how I've appreciated their help and company during this trip! One of my tasks was to try to convince them to move down here once our house is completed. I at least have them thinking of wintering down here and that's a start! ;-)
Tomorrow we'll be playing "Guess what's for dinner" as we look for whatever eating establishment(s) may be open. I'll let you know how that turns out on my next post!
I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!

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