Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The House (Well a model anyway)

This is the model home that is somewhat similar to the one we're planing to build.

This is the front of the house

This is the side where we'll do a prowl rather than the flat wall, with more galss for better scenic viewing

Here's a view from the interior loft

Another view from the loft. These are false beams with cyprus covers. We're going with cyprus beams.

From 1st floor to the loft. Here we're planning to go with the open stair rail and wood panel, rather than the dry wall.

The Kitchen, but without the extended loft as a ceiling over it. And again the open wood rail rather than closed in dry wall.
The contract is in place and we'll be building in the next couple of years.
It's getting exciting now!


Jacki said...

Oh MY GOSH! If you build that house, I don't care where it is, I'm coming to visit you!

Thunder said...

Jacki - You've got a standing invitation! We We designed the way we want our kitchen to look and then asked them to come up with a house that will fit around that! ;-)