Our friends Rick and "Netter" came down from the frozen tundra of Missouri to visit this past weekend. Along with some sightseeing, catching up on things, good food, and laughter, we took some time to visit my good friend FC's firing range. I've been wanting to get my new weapon sighted in and we finally had a chance to do so with some expert advice from both FC and Rick.
The day started out a bit chilly here, lower 60's (F), so we dressed accordingly, but as we got going it warmed up nice. The first order of business was to get the new weapon sited in so we could then move on to some practice shooting with the entire selection of weaponry.
First shot
Making adjustments
"I think they got it now Robbie!"
Safety first
Getting a few expert tips
It might be pink, but it gets the job done!
Glad to have her as my backup!
Everyone got their chance to see what they could do
It was a good time and many thanks to FC for letting us have some time on his range! Maybe we need to rent a Bobcat to build one of these at our place!
More pictures from the rest of the weekend to come soon!
Aggressive, rich snobs ;-P I never had redneck meat b4, but im willing to try everything at least once...cant wait to see the nice sites of Florida!
Jokes aside: Im glad you guys know how to protect yourself! Id still like to get a tazer (they are kinda fun to watch being used ...god, im evil, our child does not have a chance to turn out normal!)
Unpatient stay-at-home-mum!
They never did stand a chance RBP! ;-)
And now that the AR is sited in the perp's don't stand a chance either! ;-) By the way, even though Lightnin is pointing at the direct hit of the lower target the three big holes in the torso target are from her too! I think that intruder just lost his right arm & shoulder, and is probably having a little trouble breathing! ;-)
WOW! Chief Soul Catcher really DID catch some awesome shots (in more ways than one!) I have to say, DAMN my girlfriend looks hot packin heat :) Also, you forgot your Netter gave some pretty good EXPERT advise on the shooting as well. SHOT & HUNT like a GIRL...remember "Don't hate us cause you ani't us!" hee hee
love you much, many thanks to FC for his time & use of his shooting range! WONDERFUL friends, GOOD people & awesome MEMORIES XoX
Netter - When I was loading the pics I saw that you did capture the shell ejecting, pretty cool! What a great weekend! Well, now that you know where we are you'll have to come back!
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