There were 4 of us taking the trip and we thought we'd save expenses by driving out instead of flying, thereby cutting the cost down to about 1/4 for the trip alone. What the company forgot was that according to the "Guide Book of Being Guys" (I may get censored by the greater community of "Guys" now) and I quote: "Whenever 2 or more guys go out of town for any length of time in a wheeled vehicle it is officially known as a ROAD TRIP"! Now just so I can still keep my membership card not a whole lot more details will be shared, but rest assured that even though we did work hard and accomplished allot we did manage to have fun!
Now to actually get to the real point of this now rambling post, I have been fortunate enough to have traveled most of this country during my lifetime, from coast-to-coast and border-to-border all along the interstates, and I'm still a firm believer that you miss allot if you don't do this! I've seen some of the most famous landmarks like: The Grand Canyon, Buffalo Bill's Home, Pillsbury Crossing (I threw that in there for Lightnin and Merlyn, one truly unforgettable Road Trip!), etc., all well worth viewing, but the real fun is in the obscure, and sometimes bizarre sightings, these are the real gems that you miss when you fly over.
Yes I can boast that I've seen: The World's Largest Prairie Dog, The World's Largest Ball of Twine, (Notice a pattern here?), The World's Smallest Tea Set, etc. (Oh I could go on and on), but on this trip I finally got to see (are you ready?) The World's Largest Truck Stop! And here's the picture to prove it:
This beauty is right on I-80 in Southeastern IOWA, and I can now claim that I've seen it! We didn't go in it mind you, we just stopped, took a picture, got back into the car, and made tracks to get home, but by golly we saw it!
How does it compare with the great mall? jaf
JaF - Not quite as big as the mall, but as far as truck stops go it was pretty darn big!
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