Friday, October 09, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away.......

Sorry no pictures, just letting you know that I am still around and intend to post again soon!
Work has just gotten the better of me lately as my new assignment is proving to test my capacity, which is actually a good thing because There's nothing I like more than a good challenge!

Anyway, if the rain stops today and the roads dry out enough we'll be back on the bike tomorrow and heading to such exotic destinations as Aurora, Indiana and Rabbit Hash, Kentucky (I know, we've posted from there before!). Who knows maybe we'll even end up at the infamous Dew Drop Inn in sunny Blue Jay, Ohio.

Hopefully we'll have some colorful foliage to photograph along the way as the leaves are starting to turn here.

Ming tian jian!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad we got to ride! It was cold but fun with you as always!