Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Swiss Wine Festival and the Germania Oktoberfest

This past weekend was action packed with Lightnin and I taking a trip to Vevay, Indiana with our friends Steve and Donna to attend the Swiss Wine Festival on Saturday, and then by ourselves to the Germania Oktoberfest on Sunday!

The wine festival was in Switzerland County, hence the name of the event.

However I think this photo sums it up more accurately!

There were some really good and interesting wines to be sampled, and here we see our friend Steve doing just that!

Here's Steve sampling another of the available wines!

Lucky for us they had two different varieties of dry red wines so Steve could sample the second one!

And what Swiss Wine Festival would be complete without a mechanical bull ride?

And what sort of food would you expect at such an event? Why fried green tomatoes and frog legs sounds reasonable to me!

On to Germania!

So what comes to mind when you think Oktoberfest? Beer, Brats, Limburger cheese? Why no silly, of course it would be the Corn Head!

And just check out this view from a place that used to be called "Top of The Hill". We stopped off there on our way back home and couldn't resist taking the photo.

It was a great weekend with temperatures in the 70's and lots of sunshine!
This coming Labor Day weekend is supposed to be just as beautiful and we plan to spend it grilling out a variety of meats, so check back and see what's cookin'!


Anonymous said...

It was a lot of fun! I look forward to this next weekend with you too! More beautiful weather and time together!

h said...

Did the Klan have a booth at the Wine Festival?

Thunder said...

Lightnin - Grillin' and Chillin' this coming weekend, although you know the road will probably call to me at least one of the days!

Troll - It's hard telling, but I wouldn't be surprised. They could have been using the cotton candy booth as a disguise! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Sometimes the road calls me before it does you, LOL! I really do think we should ride while it's nice on Sat and Sun. Maybe to St. John-Nuemann for a quick bite and some "pickles"?
Love ya,