Friday, January 23, 2009

New Friends

One of our good friends (who went to the North Pole with us!) is an English teacher here in Beijing. She had this wonderful idea of having her students go to dinner with some of us English speaking foreigners so that they could practice speaking and listening to "Real" English. I say "Real" English because those of us non-Chinese folks were Myself (Kansas English), Lightnin (Missouri English), the others were Dutch (Flemish/French English), French (Frensh English), Ohio (Toledo English), and United Kingdom(English English).

It was a great idea and we had a fun time as well as getting to know some new friends. For several of the students this was the first time they had actaully met and talked with Americans! I'm glad we were able to provide them with that experience!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

tammy dave give those cute girls my number they can talk hillbilly english