Saturday, November 24, 2007

The End of the Trail

Well another road trip has come and gone. We pulled into the drive about 7:30 last night ending a long trip back up into the frozen tundra of Ohio. This morning we awoke to 23F temperature with an expected high of 44F. This past week our low was 49F with highs in the upper 70's to lower 80's! (We've gotta' get that house built!)

Here are just some random thoughts and memories from this trip and those before:

Lightnin and I started a game awhile back to keep the kids occupied while we were on the road. We drove everywhere for a couple of reasons: 1) The journey is 1/2 the fun, and 2) For crying out loud we weren't made of money, we could barely afford the gas much less airfare! Anyway, the name of the game was: "Name that road kill"! (Hey, I never said we were normal parents! Besides I guarantee that if you aren't already playing this game, you will be after I describe it!) OK, the game is simple when you spot road kill you shout out what you think the animal, alien being, object, etc., was in it's original state! Here's an example: We're driving along and you spot a raccoon "sleeping" by the roadside, you simply state: "Raccoon!". OK stay with me and I'll get to the point. We've spotted the standards, squirrels, skunks, opossum, raccoons, and even an otter once down in Georgia, but this trip topped them all! On our way to Cedar Key I spot a wild boar "sleeping" at the roadside and think "what could possibly top this?" then about 1/2 mile later we topped it, a fish, honestly a fish; and I think it was a mullet. My Dad chimes in with "probably a flying fish"! Now I've got my Mom and Dad playing!

Well as it turns out I come by my travelin' jones honestly. Mom and Dad confess that they used to drag us kids around the country, starting this family tradition before I even saw daylight, so it's no wonder I can't stand to stay in one place for too long! And apparently I've passed this on to our kids with one in KC, one in NY, and the other in Kuwait! It should be quite an experiment to actually try to settle down into our new house, but I think I'm up to the challenge. Besides we'll be living 30miles from anywhere, so just going to the store and back should help to keep the wanderlust in check.

Well, I hope you had fun following along on the weeds and fence road trip!
This next one will be a experience of a lifetime, and I hope you'll follow along with me!


Anonymous said...

thunder as i have enjoyed this game with my off spring for a wile. my youngest still thinks it is fowel and still plays.just a note, slowing down more than 10mph as you pass the sleeping creature is a violation S T E B

R.Powers said...

Dead, they're all named "Dead".
I win.

Hey it was good to see you and to meet your parents. I scrolled through your posts and the model log home you chose is wonderful. I want one of those here.

Mrs. FC got a last minute reprieve from the holiday shift so she actually got to go with us to St. Aug.

Good luck on your upcoming trip.

Anonymous said...

hi honey love you
mikey and me

Thunder said...

Love you too! I'm looking forward to seeing you again tomorrow!