So after seeing no more trace of the two fugitives, we head back to "Rods" place, and disappointed at the defeat we call it a day. About an hour later I get a phone call, "I found one of the turtles!". Rod had gone back for one more look around the neighborhood and found that the female had returned home (I may have forgot to mention that the two are a mated pair). The male was still out on the run (Lightnin states here: "Typical!"). He had already taken her to the new house before he called me, so no wrangling involved yet.

Here is a photo of the female in her new home. She weighs in at a whopping 50 lbs.
Notice the expert fence work in the back ground. What expert craftsmanship went into the new turtle pen!
The following day I get another call from an again excited Rod: "I think we've found the male!". Rod had called all of the Vet's and Reptile rescue offices in the surrounding area to let them know his contact info., just in case someone were to call in. It looks like it paid off! I once again throw on my "Wrangling" gear and head out to meet up with Rod, about two towns over from where the turtles escaped. Rod tells me that these guy's can really move fast when they get up and going, and considering how far he got in three days time I believe it.
Show down at Turtle Corral:
We show up, and Rod says: "I'll let you take this one", and of course not knowing what I was in for, I accept the challenge. As I start my approach Rod calls out: "Try to sneak up on him, but don't make him mad!". Of course at this point I'm thinking to myself: Why didn't I take the past couple of days to find out a bit more information about these creatures, and what happens if he gets mad?! At that point it was too late. The male turns and sees me, and he doesn't like the thought of me getting any closer! For as big as this guy is (his shell is roughly 2 feet wide and 3 ft long, and he weighs 45 lbs), I can't believe how fast he turns to face me! What ever happened to cowering back into his shell? This guy whips around and stares me down! Both of us frozen, waiting for the other to make a move. Not wanting to wait much longer I go for it, I try to flank him and grab his shell. He's too quick though, and counters by raring up and hissing at me. I mean this huge tortoise is standing on his hind legs, head and arms extended and he's looking me dead in the eye and hissing in a loud deep hiss, more like a gator, than any turtle I've ever seen. I holler at Rod: "Can you distract him or something?". Rod comes over and starts to slowly walk around him, getting him to pay more attention to his movement than mine. He finally make his mistake, and takes his eyes off of me. I pounce, grabbing him firmly on each side of his shell pinning him to the ground.
OK, that's how the whole scene played out in my head on the drive over to get him! Reality check! These turtles are actually very docile and we merely had to go and pick him up and carry him to the van. The only danger was a possible hernia, or back strain from improper lifting. We get him to his new home, safe and sound, reunited with his mate! (I'm sure she's got a few questions for him!).
It was a pretty fun adventure, and now the male has a name: "Houdini". Rod still hasn't named the female, but then he's got about another 70 years or so to figure that out!

Here's a photo of Houdini. As you can see he's striking a very non-menacing posture as I get a little too close for his comfort to take the picture.
Your tall tales never cease to amaze me! To all of your readers: There's never a dull moment at our house.
For a challenge, try wrangling snapping turtles.
I wasn't really sure what to expect, but it turned out to be pretty fun!
Gopher it!
Hope you had a fun vacation! I thought about calling out that you guys call htese turtles gophers and that a gopher is really a furry animal, but I decided just to let it go
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