Monday, July 07, 2008

Our Soldiers on the 4th

Hi all, Lightnin here-

Just thought I'd post a few photos from our holiday in Chicago. STEB's son Thomas graduated fron Navy boot camp on Thursday. He and Spc Dude went to school together here in the Nati. It was perfect timing seeing how Dude was home right at the same time. Wednesday about noon STEB, Dude, Taco and myself headed out. Of course since Dude was a driver while he was in Kuwait we voted and he won! Yep, our own personal driver! He really did a great job. Thursday it was up at five o'clock! YUCK! But we had to be on post early so off we went. Salami was was so anxious to get out of there immediately following his graduation ceremony! I remember this well with a certain, Marine and a soldier! We tried to keep feeding him, letting him get his fill of steak, chicken, pizza and just about whatever else he wanted! Friday we took the train to downtown Chicago to Navy pier. What a great time. Of course it all ended way too soon especially for STEB and Taco. They really didn't enjoy leaving Salamai. But Dude and I understood what they were going through. Saturday we pick him up again for a few hours before dropping him off on final timne before heading back home. We got as far as Indianapolis where we made a stop to see STEB's sister, brother-in-law and niece. They had a really nice BBQ for us and then a fire in the pit while we sipped a few cold ones and watched their neighbors fireworks. Sister Mary had already planned that we should stay the night. They had a beautiful home with rooms for everyone! We finally arrived back home around noon today. We're heading out again in a little bit, Dude is taking his dad's car for a drive and STEB and I are going to get the bike out. Maybe there will be more pictures later this evening.


Anonymous said...

I LOOOOOOOOOOVE the pic of C-Dub and his proud mama....Dudilicious!The view is great too.Congrats to the Gratuation...cant wait to hear the story about how he got his name!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing back. We had a great time! STEB told some friends yesterday that his sides still hurt from laughing! That was pretty much all we did for 4 days...laughed! I've really enjoyed having Dude here with me and it's even more important now that I have my procedure on Wednesday! Give Trey a hug and we'll talk to you later.

Anonymous said...

Thunder it is Monday now getting ready for work. My sides are not as sore now. My three traveling companions did keep me in stitches as well as the crowd around us. It was a very emotionally charged weekend as you I think have gone thought it your self. Reflecting upon the hole weekend the thing that most impressed me, was the thanks from total strangers to these two fine young men for doing the job they ask for and not to many volunteer for S T E B

Thunder said...

Lightnin - I wish I could have been there! Thanks for posting the photos!