Sunday, July 13, 2008

Damsel in Distress!

Just a shot of a damselfly hanging on the wall next to my balcony, 16 flights above the streets of Beijing.

I guess she thought I was a bit too close because as soon as I snapped the shot she flew off!


Anonymous said...

Smart fly! Otherwise she would've ended up on a skewer at the Night Market!

Anonymous said...

That looks like a nice lil insect....we are sharing our bedroom with a mosquito right now...i got only 3 bites...but Trey looks like a crumbcake!So something is gonna die here soon in a 1 on 1...and it wont be me.

I heard were your going on 26th....tsssttssss!!!GRRRRREEAAAAAT


Anonymous said...

Hey Congratulations on your excellent grades! Dude shared your news with me! Way to Go!

Thunder said...

Lightnin - Haven't found anything that isn't on the menu here yet! ;-)

RBP - Yea well I'll be working, while they'll be on the beach!

Anonymous said...

Once he wont tell you about it anymore, you know my grades went down to the

AAWWWWW, I am sorry to hear that!
But somebody has to bring the bacon....aarrgghhh...rice home, right?

Anonymous said...

thunder Damsel's are like that you help them then thay turn and leave and go away

Anonymous said...

for got to sine out S T E B

Anonymous said...

Thunder and STEB-

That's why we should all be treated not as a Princess and not a Damsel! Right?

I think you-know-who!

Anonymous said...

Oops-I meant "Treated AS a Princess NOT a Damsel"

Thunder said...

RBP - Now that's funny!

STEB - True Dat!

Lightnin - I can feel the attitude, no need for a signature! ;-)