Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Do You Believe in Dragons?

I hope you find this as interesting as it sounds in my head, but WFH here goes anyway!

There has been this one particular building (well group of buildings) that has been under construction the entire time I've been here (OK there's actually been several hundred of them under construction, but I'm going to talk about this one in particular) and I drive past it nearly every day either on my way to work or back home. I have no idea what the name of it is, but it is located right next to "The Bubble" (the Olympic water sports arena) and "The Bird's Nest" (the track and field arena).

(Yes, I'm talking about dragons, I just needed to give you that background first)

Anyway I think it is supposed to be in the shape of either a dragon or a sea serpent. Given that Beijing sits pretty danged close to a dessert, I'm gonna go with dragon! I'm pretty sure that the tallest building in the group is supposed to be the head and neck, and the trail of smaller buildings are supposed to be the humps of the dragons back. You be the judge:

OK so why the big deal, well I'll tell you, It looks like they finally completed the exterior construction while I was away and I've been trying to get a photo of it since I got back. The problem is that since I got back it's rained or been foggy for all but two days and luckily I didn't have to work those to days. So today it was finally sunny and the taxi driver took me right past it so I could get a fairly decent shot. What does this have to do with believing in dragons you ask? (OK come on, I know someone asked that)

Well here's what I got from a fairly reliable source: You see Dragons are believed to control the weather. It is also believed that the dragons live in a place called "Three Gorges" which is a natural wonder to the south of here. So something has happened at "Three Gorges" to disturb the dragons and they aren't happy about it in the least, so they changed the weather in a not so pleasant fashion.

Now as I said before we practically live in a dessert and at this time of year it is supposed to be hot, dry, and well generally like a dessert, however for the past month it has seemed more like a rain forest until today. I'm thinking that this is as good of an explanation as any, after all there isn't a single weatherman in the US that could give me any better one! ;-)

So do you believe in Dragons?


Anonymous said...

Well Jim and Alison must believe in dragons because they have them all over their house. jaf

Thunder said...

JaF - Well, FC and I dronve on the "Tail of the Dragon" too!

Thunder said...

sorry that was supposed to be "drove"! (been writing too many presentations, I think my fingers are swollen and hitting the other keys (that's my story, and I'm sticking to it!) ;-)

Anonymous said...

Pretty strange, but I think you've probably seen a lot of strange things since you've been there. I'm sure it's fun taking it all in. Have a good 4th.
Bro J