Thursday, July 14, 2011

Yes, It's Me Again!

Sorry for the lag time of almost 3 months now!

There's been a lot going on: The house is nearing completion, but with new issues encountered that have once again pushed the completion date back; changes at work that are requiring extra effort; and physical therapy for me before and after work. All of which have added to the normal stress load that was already a bit high.

So selfishly when I finally get downtime lately, I've tended to take time for myself in a more low profile manner. I realized that this was needed at this time when I left the house the other day without my camera in my hand and it didn't even bother me! What the? That's not me! SO a little sabbatical has been in order in the name of personal sanity.

Don't worry though, the thought of blogging is constantly gnawing at me and I will get back into the swing of things again soon! I promise!


Anonymous said...

Let's set some pictures!

Thunder said...

Anon - Soon, very soon!

R.Powers said...

Physical Therapy?

Jacki said...

I understand about needing a break! Hope to see some pictures of the house soon!

Thunder said...

FC - Yep, i can tell you more about it when we get down there!

Jacki - Coming soon! ;-)