Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy Forth of July!

This is an interesting day for me, celebrating our independence from the tyranny of England while living in the PROC. I do have a few things to celebrate though:
  1. SPC Dude is out of the sand box we call Kuwait and is in the US right now visiting Lightnin, and may be able to come over and visit me later this month!
  2. Our good friend STEB's Son, "Salomi", (Don't ask!) just graduated from Naval training and is about to embark on his tour of duty!
  3. My presentation went well yesterday and now it's ready to show to the rest of my upper management!
  4. I was informed that I get a pay raise that became effective on July 1st

I would like to take a moment to talk about the first 2 items on the list. Dude and Salomi I hope you realize that you are carrying on the tradition of those great patriots that laid their lives on the line to create our country in the first place! We celebrate this day still because of the efforts and sacrifices of you and your brothers-in-arms, and I just wanted to say thank you and Happy Independence Day (Ben - I hope you know that goes for you too)!

Now to points 3 and 4:

So how do you celebrate the 4th of July in China?
Well you dress up in your finest Harley-Davidson gear and go to Tim's Texas Road house for a steak dinner, of course!

It just happens to be Friday and my resources have informed me that we can get a 12oz wood fire grilled Ribeye, salad, baked potato, and Texas Toast (just because everyone needs those extra carbs), all for the amazing price of only 158RMB (for those of you playing the home version of our game that comes to about $22 American). I'll let you know how it tastes!

Happy 4th of July everyone!
(Please be careful with the fireworks and try not to burn down the country before I get back)


Anonymous said...

Very nice 4th blog! We all wish you were here to be celebrating with us. We've taken a lot of pictures (some of which we weren' t supposed to) but we just haven't figured out how to load them but we're getting it now Robbie! Enjoy your steak and tell everyone at Tim's I said hello.

Anonymous said...

Ditto for the Dudes & "Dudeses?." goes for me,too on #1. Glad you found some place to celebrate over there. But , with you that was no suprise! You could find a good watering hole in the middle of a desert. Have good one.
Bro J

Anonymous said...

celebrating the birth of our country with some of those who are defending it.reflecting upon everyones efforts to make this country great.I hope you are enjoying your 4th half as much as I am!!! S T E B

Anonymous said...

I meant "Dudes & Dudetts," we need more like them and they need all of our support.
Bro J

Anonymous said...

I would just like to add your cousin Thor to your list. He has given several years of service in the US Navy and just spent a tour in Iraq. jaf

R.Powers said...

"Don't burn the country do..."


Jeez, you should'a said something a little sooner.

Happy 4th dude.
Steak in China?

Thunder said...

Lightnin - Everyone's waiting for you to come back over! By the way the steak was awesome!

Bro J - They keep us free!

STEB - You're one of us now, the proud parent of a US soldier, well squid anyway! ;-)

JaF - It most certainly goes for Thor too! (Kay/Andy - Sorry about the oversight!)

FC - Did you shoot off any fireworks? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Yea I'm pretty proud of our son too! If you could've only seen the people that came up to Dude and Salami at Navy Pier today to thank them, buy them drinks and just plain showed their sincere was totally awesome! And your son took it all like it was no big deal just doing his job! What a true hero! The two boys,(oops I mean men) looked so good in their uniforms! Daddy would've been so proud!Talk to you later,