Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Dog Days of Summer?

I guess these must be the Kitty days of fall then!
Sorry, I took a couple of weeks off blogging. Work has been extremely busy, and so has our home life. There's been so many nights that I said to Lightnin' that I really need to blog, but the bed called out to me louder than my inner voice.
If you look down to the post just prior to this one you can sort of catch up with the more interesting things that have happened.
Also please wish GGL a speedy recovery! For those of you who don't know GGL stands for: Great Grandpa Lightnin' (Lightnin's Father). He went into the hospital this past Saturday and is getting ready for surgery. We should know more later this week!


Jacki said...

Welcome back, Dave!

Jacki said...

Well, you gave me a good laugh, Lightnin'! Don't you wish blogger would let you delete comments? Oh and by the way, that chocolate cake looks delish!

Thunder said...

Jacki - You have to excuse Lightnin'. It's not her fault that she was born and raised in Missouri! ;-)
(I'm sure I'll pay for that later)