We're not exactly the dynamic duo, and probably closer to partners in crime, buddies just the same! (Hey when you have such snazzy matching PJs you've got to take the time for the photo opt!)
I just can't say it enough, being a Grandpa is the best gig around! And I know I feel the same as every other Grandpa around the world, that my little buddy is the cutest, smartest, and most entertaining of them all.
We enjoy each other's company every time we get together, which isn't often enough, but whenever possible. Not too long and he'll be old enough to hop on a plane and come stay with us for a few weeks at a time.
I chose the photo below because you can just hear him saying "Grandma, isn't Grandpa a little old to be playing with my toys!" He was patient enough to allow me play for a few minutes.

Better pass on the Kryptonite pilsner down at the pub.
Glad you got some cool toys to play with.
Yeah, Donovan! I heard him being interviewed recently, and he sounded a bit pathetic, trying to sound contemporary and hip. It wasn't working.
Someday I hope to know what you mean about the grandparenting gig. My daughter is more concerned with something called graduate school right now. Whatever!
FC - Yeah man No Krypton Pale Ale either!
Pablo - It's worth waiting for, the payoff is huge!
After taking a close look at the little guys hands in the picture and the expression on his face, I think I know what he is about to say.......... "TIME OUT GRANDPA, You've been a playin with my toys all afternoon, and if you don't STOP NOW, I'm a gonna have to call Grandma Lightnin and have her make you go to your room ! ! ! ! ! "
Too funny! He's definitely got that "can you believe this guy?" expression on his face.
DPR, Thanks for writing, I've known FC for quite some time now! I was having Blogger issues yesterday, but I'm going to try to get the brewing post out today!
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