Thursday, July 31, 2008

It's Rough But Somebody Has To Do It

Well it's me, Lightnin again....Thunder is slacking but when you see the pictures I'm posting , you'll understand why I'm not really complaing!

We are in Kuantan, Malayasia for this week. The first day in was my birthday. Thunder waited just until my feelings were starting to get hurt, before wishing me a Happy Birthday. He's sometimes like that. Then he told me he had to go to work but had a surprise for me when he got back. Okay, so now I have the day by myself and a surprise coming. Which by the way I hate surprises! Grab a book and head to the pool. We are only 3 degrees from the equator and let me tell ya it is hot, Hot, HOT! You can get burned in the time it takes to drink one beer even while using SPF 30! Trust me this is fact! I have some very good water proof sunscreen which is also good since I have to dip into the pool about every 5-10 minutes! So I spent the afternoon taking it easy and then back to get ready for my "surprise".

Thunder had made arrangements before coming here for the romatic dinner on the beach as my gift! He couldn't have done anything better! We had our own wait staff that seated us and started off with a bottle of champagne. Then came the carpaccio salad! Delicious. This is one of our favorites and have had it all over the world, but none compared to this.
Then it was a lobster bisque with prawns and parsley cream. We really should have quit right here, but's a four course meal so let's move on! Now Thunder has picked out a bottle of Merlot to go along with the main course. Our main course was Tiger Prawns, a lamb chop and a chicken breast chop. This came with a baked potato and sauteed corn in a red wine sauce. At this point I knew we needed to-go boxes because I was already stuffed.
The dessert was one of David's favorites a Tiramisu served with chocolate wafers, passion fruit, kiwi and blueberries. I'm not a sweets eater but had to try it all. I think I'm hooked on passion fruit now! So now I thought we were done...wrong! The staff comes down to the beach to sing Happy Birthday to me and with them they have a heartshaped fresh mango cheescake that says "Happy Birthday For Mrs. Wise"candles and all, and a bouquet of fresh roses and other exotic flowers. Okay, so I cracked at this point. I felt more like a Princess than ever. This was truly the best birthday ever and there have been quite a few. Back at the room we finish the stop thinking that! There was an envelope with birthday wishes from SPC Dude that he had called into our hotel! What a great memory to have as long as the dementia stays at bay!
There are other fun things here also...creepy little monkeys everywhere and last night one visited our balcony that wasn't so little. There is also a creature described to us as "cat/wolf" that roams around! I'm pretty sure I heard one early this morning. There was loud bang as if someone knocked over a chair and then a horrible cat sound that would even put our cat to shame! These things are called masang so Thunder and I googled it....We really don't want to see one these guys! Thunder has been working very hard this week. He even did a double shift one day. But ya'll know Thunder he still managed to sing with a guy last night at a typical Malaysian resturant. It was a little too lounge-lizzardy for me but he still sounded great! Well tomorrow it's back to the Jing where hopfully we meet up with SPC Dude. We are all three going to make it to one of the Olympic events...Sand Volleyball! So there will be more post coming later this week. Hope I haven't bored you too much but we feel a lot like traveling food host, so eat your heart out Anthony Bourdain!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Our Gold Star Hero

Lightnin here-

Well last night was a very memorable evening....for those of you "who ain't from around these parts" let me first explain what Gold Star is. We have a whole different version of chili here in the Nati. It's more like a greek sauce than your typical chili. We make cheese coneys with it as well as server it on spaghetti. You either love it or you don't. And there are litterally hundreds of these chili parlors here!

So back to the story....Gold Star throws a party for our soldiers returning home. Last night was SPC Dudes turn. When we got there the sign outside welcomed him home in large letters, plus a very nice professional banner again welcoming him home. Once inside the door it looked like the 4th of July all over again. Flags and red, white and blue banners everywhere. The table was set and waiting for us with personalized place mats and welcome home balloons on each chair! The staff there was great, seeing to our every needs and presenting Dude with two bouquets of red, white and blue flowers. Oh yea, guess I forgot to tell you that the local NBC affiliate sent out a camera man to interview SPC Dude! Yes he made the 11:00 O'clock news. I'm trying to get a copy of it and will post a link to it once that's done. After the food, flowers, interview and fun they brought out a huge cake and I do mean HUGE!!! We had the Harrison fire department stop by and thank him for his service as well as many of the other patrons. We shared the cake with all of the customers, said our good-byes a very big Thank you to Gold Star. What a night for Dude to remember and to know that friends, family and strangers all alike really appreciate his service for his country and to be willing to fight for our freedom. Thanks Dude and thank you Thunder....we've done good! Also a special thanks to STEB, Taco and Ollie for joining us for this special evening.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Damsel in Distress!

Just a shot of a damselfly hanging on the wall next to my balcony, 16 flights above the streets of Beijing.

I guess she thought I was a bit too close because as soon as I snapped the shot she flew off!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

So What About the 5th of July?

The New England Patriot Cheerleaders visited the Goose and Duck, that's what!

There was a huge charity auction of autographed sports memorabilia up for auction and the proceeds went to the needy children of Beijing. The Cheerleaders were here as part of the promotion! I was there for, hmm let me see, the beer yea that's it the beer is great there! Did I mention that they brew their own?

OK, I knew you wouldn't buy that one either. Being the red-blooded American that I am I was definitely there for the cheerleaders!

Here's a few shots of what I witnessed

Somehow I convinced a couple of them to pose with me

Hey let's don't forget the G-Dettes, they're no slackers either when it comes to cheering up the crowd!

From there I went to a bar where local underground rock bands play, and met up with Woody (from the band Woody Allen) and his wife Kelly. Woody Allen was voted best band in Beijing in this year's vote in City Weekend magazine! I've had the pleasure of singing with them once before and Woody and I are discussing the possibilities of more performances by yours truly. We're just trying to reach some middle ground on the music style to experiment with.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Our Soldiers on the 4th

Hi all, Lightnin here-

Just thought I'd post a few photos from our holiday in Chicago. STEB's son Thomas graduated fron Navy boot camp on Thursday. He and Spc Dude went to school together here in the Nati. It was perfect timing seeing how Dude was home right at the same time. Wednesday about noon STEB, Dude, Taco and myself headed out. Of course since Dude was a driver while he was in Kuwait we voted and he won! Yep, our own personal driver! He really did a great job. Thursday it was up at five o'clock! YUCK! But we had to be on post early so off we went. Salami was was so anxious to get out of there immediately following his graduation ceremony! I remember this well with a certain, Marine and a soldier! We tried to keep feeding him, letting him get his fill of steak, chicken, pizza and just about whatever else he wanted! Friday we took the train to downtown Chicago to Navy pier. What a great time. Of course it all ended way too soon especially for STEB and Taco. They really didn't enjoy leaving Salamai. But Dude and I understood what they were going through. Saturday we pick him up again for a few hours before dropping him off on final timne before heading back home. We got as far as Indianapolis where we made a stop to see STEB's sister, brother-in-law and niece. They had a really nice BBQ for us and then a fire in the pit while we sipped a few cold ones and watched their neighbors fireworks. Sister Mary had already planned that we should stay the night. They had a beautiful home with rooms for everyone! We finally arrived back home around noon today. We're heading out again in a little bit, Dude is taking his dad's car for a drive and STEB and I are going to get the bike out. Maybe there will be more pictures later this evening.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy Forth of July!

This is an interesting day for me, celebrating our independence from the tyranny of England while living in the PROC. I do have a few things to celebrate though:
  1. SPC Dude is out of the sand box we call Kuwait and is in the US right now visiting Lightnin, and may be able to come over and visit me later this month!
  2. Our good friend STEB's Son, "Salomi", (Don't ask!) just graduated from Naval training and is about to embark on his tour of duty!
  3. My presentation went well yesterday and now it's ready to show to the rest of my upper management!
  4. I was informed that I get a pay raise that became effective on July 1st

I would like to take a moment to talk about the first 2 items on the list. Dude and Salomi I hope you realize that you are carrying on the tradition of those great patriots that laid their lives on the line to create our country in the first place! We celebrate this day still because of the efforts and sacrifices of you and your brothers-in-arms, and I just wanted to say thank you and Happy Independence Day (Ben - I hope you know that goes for you too)!

Now to points 3 and 4:

So how do you celebrate the 4th of July in China?
Well you dress up in your finest Harley-Davidson gear and go to Tim's Texas Road house for a steak dinner, of course!

It just happens to be Friday and my resources have informed me that we can get a 12oz wood fire grilled Ribeye, salad, baked potato, and Texas Toast (just because everyone needs those extra carbs), all for the amazing price of only 158RMB (for those of you playing the home version of our game that comes to about $22 American). I'll let you know how it tastes!

Happy 4th of July everyone!
(Please be careful with the fireworks and try not to burn down the country before I get back)

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Do You Believe in Dragons?

I hope you find this as interesting as it sounds in my head, but WFH here goes anyway!

There has been this one particular building (well group of buildings) that has been under construction the entire time I've been here (OK there's actually been several hundred of them under construction, but I'm going to talk about this one in particular) and I drive past it nearly every day either on my way to work or back home. I have no idea what the name of it is, but it is located right next to "The Bubble" (the Olympic water sports arena) and "The Bird's Nest" (the track and field arena).

(Yes, I'm talking about dragons, I just needed to give you that background first)

Anyway I think it is supposed to be in the shape of either a dragon or a sea serpent. Given that Beijing sits pretty danged close to a dessert, I'm gonna go with dragon! I'm pretty sure that the tallest building in the group is supposed to be the head and neck, and the trail of smaller buildings are supposed to be the humps of the dragons back. You be the judge:

OK so why the big deal, well I'll tell you, It looks like they finally completed the exterior construction while I was away and I've been trying to get a photo of it since I got back. The problem is that since I got back it's rained or been foggy for all but two days and luckily I didn't have to work those to days. So today it was finally sunny and the taxi driver took me right past it so I could get a fairly decent shot. What does this have to do with believing in dragons you ask? (OK come on, I know someone asked that)

Well here's what I got from a fairly reliable source: You see Dragons are believed to control the weather. It is also believed that the dragons live in a place called "Three Gorges" which is a natural wonder to the south of here. So something has happened at "Three Gorges" to disturb the dragons and they aren't happy about it in the least, so they changed the weather in a not so pleasant fashion.

Now as I said before we practically live in a dessert and at this time of year it is supposed to be hot, dry, and well generally like a dessert, however for the past month it has seemed more like a rain forest until today. I'm thinking that this is as good of an explanation as any, after all there isn't a single weatherman in the US that could give me any better one! ;-)

So do you believe in Dragons?

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Spaghetti Dinner

I thought I'd show a photo of the spaghetti dinner.

It was a simple meat sauce, over angel hair pasta, and served with some sliced cucumbers and sugar snap peas!

Not much else happening here. Prepping for a visit from another of the top dogs, a summer intern starts next week, and a major milestone in my project is upon me, oh yea it's also contribution writing time. So I'll post when I can, but it might not happen until this weekend!